Improvement of the island communication with the mainland

    WCC Team-Kythera, 1960 – 1971. The World Council of Churches, on a request of Bishop Meletios in 1958, sent a team to Kythera to help the Bishop to improve living conditions in his diocese. In The Netherlands the WCC found the Dutch couple George and Anna Koksma available to go and live for […]

Winter camp 1968 Myrtidia Ini Zander, Summer camp Fratsia and Livadi, Geraldine Willems and Frank Berghuijs

      Please scroll down for many more amazing potos form locals and winter and summer campers made by Ini Zander, Geraldine Willems, Frank Beghuijs and Riet Simons. Dutch participants in 1968.         Team Kythera 1968, winterkamp Myrtidia en zomerkampen Fratsia en Livadi Overgenomen uit de in het Engels geschreven maandelijkse […]

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