1967 Technical activities of the Team
1967 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc.
1967 Jan
Government allows now for tree planting in January and February. Last year a lot of digging was done, now planting went fast. This season 100.000 tree lets were planted. About last year water shortage in the villages. Mrs. Koksma planted 650 tree lets of “dendrosis midiki”, a kind of clover tree which is very nourishing for cattle. The Team takes care for gymnastics at the Mylopotamos school. In Fratsia in March the cheese cooperation will start, but there are only 25 members. Why brown Swiss type of cows and not the black and white Dutch; 3 bulls are also needed. Why should reforestation come to a stop and why was Mr. Janniotis from Livadi opposed to the Team’s propaganda how to use the dry fields of Kythira?

1967 Feb
Arrival of two technical students from Arnhem, Holland, the 1st of February as new team members for 6 months, Frank Berghuijs and Harry Wellink. Announcement of the start of a Dutch society called “KVN”, Kythera Vriendenkring Nederland (Circle of Friends in Holland for Kythera) and Bishops Meletios opinion. Design of port restaurant at Kapsali landing stage. Topographical survey of Fratsia for their water supply. The idea of planting tree lets of dendrosis midiki was followed by two women, each got 500 tree lets. Governmental forester got order from Athens to bring to court everybody who was building on State property, thus causing controversies about tree plantation and the position of the forester. The prefect of Piraeus expects the final signature for the overall water system plans for Kythira within two weeks. This caused the Bishop to say that it did not seem right to have Holland spend any more money on local water systems, a better project would be a modest cheese factory. At this time, the cheese factory is housed in an old barn in Fratsia and the cooperative counts 25 members with 30 cows. Plans in Holland for summer work camps in Mylopotamos and Fratsia for their community water supply, but what restriction will be enforced by the Prefecture now regarding the overall island water supply project?

1967 March
Miss Ida Blok, the agricultural specialist for the coming two years, arrived to take over the daily and the experimental (pruning pear trees started) agricultural matters of the Team. At the hospital in Potamos a new surgeon came to strengthen the staff of doctors. Plans (Bishop wishes this) to convert an old house in Chora into an old people’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Koksma go on vacation to Switzerland and Holland.
1967 April
Miss Ida Blok was shown around the island by the island agricultural specialist. At the tree nursery at Agios Theodoros 7 men are preparing a mixture of soil, filling plastic bags and sowing seeds. The experimental garden at Agia Anastasia was surveyed and after a big cleaning up it was provided with several varieties of vegetables with different methods of planting and watering. In this time of the year also many wild vegetables are to be found all over the island. For the water system at Livadi taps on the main lines were placed and remaining unfinished lines were installed and some help was given for the construction of concrete roads.

1967 May
About the Fraternal Workers Retreat in Switzerland (practically nobody was working on a general overall development project the like as at Kythera!). Willingness in Holland to start actions for projects at Kythera, especially thanks to the Dutch society “KVN”. The first periodical of “KVN” named “IRIS” was presented by Mr. G. Hornstra (founder and promoter) to Mr. and Mrs. Koksma. To raise money Dr. Theunisse, a Dutch expert of Greek culture, had given many icons to be sold and for the same purpose young photographer C.P. Stapels had given many pictures he had made at Kythera the past two years. The Arnhem Rotary Club (the town the technical college students are from) supported the Team with funds for the technical students. Mr. Vitsos, the new Greek Team Director in Athens. Arrival of two new team members: civil engineer Wessel Breunisse and his wife and their two young children. The tree nursery at Agios Theodoros has been enlarged. Report on some agricultural matters from the experimental garden. Electricity for several villages and a main network from Chora to Agia Pelagia and Karavas. Topographical survey of Platia Ammos finished but it is not sure the Prefecture will construct here a water system. Fitting plastic pipelines at Livadi, now only waiting for the electricity to come. Restart old people’s home in Potamos: contractor Karamitzas from Athens will do the construction for 4 million drachms.
1967 June
Mr. Vitsos visited for the 1st time the Team at Kythera and was able in this period to see some 50% of the Team’s projects. Money is collected in Holland for the summer camp in Fratsia. Lodging and a kitchen had to be provided in Fratsia and Mylopotamos for the coming summer work camps. A survey of Aroniadika (water supply) and part of the road to Frilingianika was done on request of the Prefecture. Mrs. Breunisse started a club for little children to make their own toys. Calculations and drawings for the old people’s home are not set up like one is accustomed in western Europe, but everybody will do its utmost for a good result. A design was made for the new cheese factory, the summer work camp will start with the construction. At Chora, after a standstill of 4 to 5 years, the construction of the community building was restarted after some changes on request of Mr. Stais, the donator of this important building. At the experimental garden, with aid of the recently made map, now 52 old and 80 young olive trees, 195 pear trees, 60 almond trees and some for fig, apples, plums, apricots, lemons, oranges could be counted. The growing of garden products should be spread over a longer period to avoid too much concentration of these products. Some troubles at the tree nursery were ended by dismissing the foreman. Not all people read the Team’s progress reports, but the Greek controlling committee in Athens should do!

1967 July
Work camps for Mylopotamos (making holes along the road from Karvounades to Aroniadika for the tree plantation campaign next winter and for a small part community water supply and putting in place concrete floor slabs for the school) and for Fratsia (cheese factory) arrived both at July 7, they had waited 4 days in Athens. Substantial donations for Kapsali port restaurant building and community house at Chora (which was started some 4 to 5 years ago). Agricultural report: heavy storm in July. Status ongoing work old people’s home in Potamos and harbour restaurant at Kapsali. Photographer Chris-Paul Stapels with co-worker Hugo Post in request of the Dutch I.C.A. About the visit of the Nomarch of Piraeus and his requests to make a road to the Agia Sofia cave, for the water supply system of Kalamos, etc. The true history on forestation: 7 years ago, the governmental forester did not have money, no transport, no seeds and no helping hands. The Team provided him with the Team’s jeep, the Bishop gave the gardens of Myrtidia, asked the government for seeds and school children helped with the first tree lets. Up to now 700.000 trees have been planted! The government recognizes this and sees Kythira as an example in Greece.
1967 Aug
Harvesting time: almond trees gave 5 kg average to 16,5 kg max.; some experiments are needed on bottling the wine to suit a possible export. In the past two months there is Miss Kapolla, another governmental home economist, on the island, and together with the Team pear canning will be started in Karavas. Mrs. Breunisse started her manual work club for little children. Some (serious) trouble with the contractor of the old people’s home in Potamos. People of Fratsia proceeded with the walls of the cheese factory. The 2nd summer camp in Mylopotamos installed 200 m plastic pipes and 200 m trenches were dug. A remaining 100 m must be finished by the population. Mr. Vitsos, from the diverse Units working in Greece, visited for the 2nd time Kythera.

1967 Sep
Civil engineer Jan Stappers, former team member in 1966, arrived the end of August. He will stay until the end of this year. Miss Ida Blok is to represent the Team at the Fraternal Workers Retreat this year in Trikala. Pear canning (over 200 tins) in the agricultural school at Karavas. People marvel at the sweet peppers from the poor soil at Agia Anastasia experimental garden. Construction of old people’s home, Kapsali harbour building and cheese factory at Fratsia are progressing. Several drawings were made for private projects. At Mylopotamos there are 7 projects to be counted. If an accident happens to a worker not any social care is available. Bishop must spend most of his time in Athens. From the Dutch Inter Church Aid information was received that money for the cheese factory in Fratsia was on its way. Governmental funds for the touristic development of the island are not easily or not at all available.
1967 Oct
All required plastic pipes (1000 m), spare parts for Mylopotamos and extra ordered spare parts for Livadi arrived the end of September. These had been promised by the Dutch “O.J.R.”, (Ecumenical Youth Council of Holland). This means that by now 5 villages have been given their water supply system. A tremendous donation of 200.000 drachms from the Dutch “CPJ”, Christelijke PlattelandsJongeren (Christian Rural Youth Society) from the town Ede and 40.000 drachms from the Dutch town ‘s Hertogenbosch both for the cheese factory was also received. The Bishop’s Committee decided to go on with the Church’s old people’s home in Chora. The prefect of Piraeus asked for a study on an extension for the gymnasium. Reverend Fairburn from Altrichan, Manchester UK, offered a harmonium for Potamos. The Dutch KVN, the Kythera Friends Society, are doing their utmost with all kind of activities to raise funds for the various Kythera projects. The concrete roof of the old people’s home in Potamos was poured. Ida Blok, when being on vacation in Israel, visited many instances to learn about possible improvements on agricultural matters at Kythera. Due to a warm summer and rain that came only at the end of October, olive harvest in Agia Anastasia mounted to be slightly over 1000 kg with an oil percentage of 17%.

1967 Nov
The concrete framework for the old people’s home is finished. Brick laying has started. The method and quality of the concrete work of the Athenian contractor was very disappointing; local contractors could have done better! In Mylopotamos the main water supply line from the well into the village is finished. Building activities for the cheese factory in Fratsia were restarted. The community building in Chora goes for the finishing touch. The experimental garden at Agia Anastasia is being made ready for the winter and the coming spring season.
1967 Dec
Slowly the reforestation comes into the interest of the population. Many rural roads were made this year and is still going on. Mechanisation of farm work is increasing. A laboratory investigation of type of soils has started to be able to give advice on what to grow and how to fertilize. Several agricultural and related research institutes were visited in Athens. Civil engineer Jan Stappers left the Team at the end of the month. Mrs. Breunisse only had a few children attending her class.

>> Workreports and photos 1967
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