Koksma letters and article’s (English)

    **above article is translated in English by Jean Bingen   PROVINCIAL ‘ZEEUWSE’ COURANT                                          THURSDAY MARCH 17, 1960 THE CHURCHES and society IN SERVICE OF WORLD COUNCIL DUTCHMAN FIGHTS AGAINST DROUGHT ON GREEK ISLAND Help for Kythera The World Council of Churches has already done a lot of work on the refugee issue. […]

The Arrival Introduction

  Mr. Koksma was an architect and civil engineer from the Netherlands who on request of the WCC had been to Kythera the previous year to investigate and discuss this matter with Bishop Meletios. Early 1960 the WCC offered George and Anna Koksma a contract of US $ 30,- each per month living allowance (1 […]

The Servant VII 1964

    O YΠHPETHΣ VII, the Servant 7 is a letter in Greek from december 1964 by George Koksma to the Kythirian community about farming. The translation has been done in 2018 by Emmanuel Alfieris, from Australia:   I’d like to write to you again after these past months with the things that occupy my […]

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