Mylopotamos 1964 eerste zomerkamp door Ina Siepman (IN DUTCH)


(photos in the text are with English subtitles)




Ina Siepman

Ina Siepman
I Disembarkation


Ina Siepman
II Making acquaintance in Mylopotamos


Ina Siepman
III Making aquaintance


Ina Siepman
IV transportation


Ina Siepman
V water supply


Ina Siepman
VI inauguration of the start of the work


Ina Siepman
VII the work starts, a lot of rocks
Ina Siepman
VIII Heavy work


Ina Siepman


Ina Siepman
X Papas Manoli and Mr. Koksma inspecting work


Ina Siepman
XI Papas Manoli visiting the site


Ina Siepman
XII digging trench for foundation beam


Ina Siepman
XIII Lifting devices in excavation
XIV exploring country side


Foto XV Sunbathing at the beach


XVI Passer-by at Myrtidia
Ina Siepman
XVII Anna and George Koksma honored by participants
Ina Siepman
XVIII Visiting Huxley’s archeological dig at Skandeia
XIX villagers Kato Chora offering drinks


XX a toast and meal in Mylopotamos

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