1969 Summer Camp Participants

  1969 school Mylopotamos, 3 weeks in July.   Last summer work camp; to finish the construction a contract was awarded to local contractors early 1970. Digging for the wastewater disposal system.   This summer camp was organized by WCC Office Utrecht, Holland. No camp leader was appointed.   a young Muslim from Jordania (who […]

1967 Summer Camp Participants

  1967 cheese factory Fratsia from 07-07 to 26-07   This camp originated from the town ‘s Hertogenbosch, by a division of the “Kythera Vriendenkring Nederland”. Excavation and pouring concrete cellar floor. Lia van de Kerkhof           Vught    (did visit Kythira in 2011, E: April 2016, provided pictures) Saskia Jordans                   Vught    (did visit Kythira in […]

1965 Summer Camp Participants

    1965 irrigation project Paleopolis, from 15-07 to 10-08. This summer camp was organized by WCC Office Utrecht, Holland. Digging a well in dry riverbed 1500 m upriver from the sea.   Dick de Rooy                      (Nieuw-Loosdrecht) Johan Kruger                     (Bussum) Herbert Nikkels                                (Schalkhaar) Frans Fokkema Andreae               (Rotterdam) Jan-Jaap Wainecke          (Deventer) Maarten Kok                      (Rotterdam) Paul-Jan […]

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