Water supply systems Logothetianika, Potamos and Diakopoulianika

  The installation of water supply systems for the first three villages Logothetianika, Potamos and Diakopoulianika in 1962. By Jean Bingen, February 2021.   This story is more in detail only about these three villages than the general story “Search for domestic water at Kythera in the sixties”.       George (Jurjen) and Anna […]

Meet the Kytherians by Chris Paul Stapels

    Meet the Kytherians in the 1960’s   A beautiful serie of photos by photographer Chris Paul Stapels from the Netherlands, photographer and filmmaker. He visited Kythira in the summers of 1965, 1966 and 1967 and came to the island on request of organization Triangel. He provided this organization with publicity material to support […]

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