Livadi and Mylopotamos 1967 first summer camp Frank Berghuijs
Frank BerghuijsHTS student in 1967 working on the water supply in 1967.
In 1968 he came back for a holiday and to work as a technical leader in the summer camp. He met a Dutch girl Riet Simons. and they got married. Every year they come to Kythira.
Livadi 1967 Wessel Breunisse repair road side
Livadi 1967 Frank Berghuijs, pipe fitting in Spiro Gianiottis garden
Livadi 1967 formwork pipe bridge
Livadi 1967 concrete bridge for pipe
Livadi 1967 pipe fitting
Livadi 1967 pipe fitting branching made
Livadi 1967 Frank Berghuijs pipe fitting tap place