Het Mylopotamos zomerkamp van juli 1966 Augustus 2022 kreeg ik via de website e-mail contact met Arjen Fuykschot en zijn vrouw Marjon. Arjen was samen met zijn toenmalige vriend Garmt Visser deelnemer geweest aan het eerste zomerkamp Mylopotamos in 1966. Dit was groot nieuws voor mij. Over dit eerste zomerkamp 1966 in juli […]
Meet the Kytherians by Chris Paul Stapels
Meet the Kytherians in the 1960’s A beautiful serie of photos by photographer Chris Paul Stapels from the Netherlands, photographer and filmmaker. He visited Kythira in the summers of 1965, 1966 and 1967 and came to the island on request of organization Triangel. He provided this organization with publicity material to support […]
Mylopotamos 1964, first summer camp Mily de Jong
Mily de Jong wrote: Our first morning on Kythira. After the opening of the summer camp’, the locals invited us warmly to a meal. With a typical Kytherian wine. After a while I got used to it. In between all the photos you will find some texts […]
1971 Technical activities of the Team
1971 Technical activities of the Team 1971 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. 1971 January 9 A three-monthly review (October, November, December) of status and expenses for the building site of the agricultural home economic school for girls at Mylopotamos. 1971 Jan, Feb, March The […]
1969 Technical activities of the Team
1969 Technical activities of the Team 1969 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. 1969 Jan / Feb In January 1969 there came positive news from Holland. The “Directory of International Technical Help” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands is willing to give a large […]
1967 Technical activities of the Team
1967 Technical activities of the Team 1967 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. 1967 Jan Government allows now for tree planting in January and February. Last year a lot of digging was done, now planting went fast. This season 100.000 tree lets were planted. About last year water […]
1962 Main topics and work of the Team from June
From 10 June 1962, 1963, up to July 1964 is the period for which no work reports are retrieved. >> For photos and stories of 1962 until June click here From June up to mid-July 1962 reading from my diary we have been busy installing pvc pipes for the water supply […]
Team member Piet Goozen Mylopotamos 1969 1970 1971
Photos all made by Piet Goozen 1970/1971 Home Economic School Mylopotamos *Click on a photo to enlarge Teamlid Piet Goozen over zijn werkzaamheden van 2 jaar in Mylopotamos. Ritthem, 28 augustus 2005. Kythera. Beknopte beschrijving van het verblijf van Piet C. Goozen (1969 – 1971) en Anke de Rooij (1970 – […]
More work reports and photos 1970
Team Kythera in de laatste jaren 1970 Hoe de Mylopotamos school werd afgebouwd. Overgenomen uit de in het Engels geschreven 3-maandelijkse werkrapporten van het Team. *Click on the text to enlarge Road work Agia Pelagia towards Karavas *Click on a photo to enlarge 1970 July 1st (April, May, […]
Deelnemers zomerkamp Mylopotamos (IN DUTCH) Theda Visser en Marcel Rouweler
In januari 2016 krijgen wij e-mailcontact met Theda Visser, deelneemster aan het laatste Mylopotamos zomerkamp 1969. Dit was naar aanleiding van een artikel eind december 2015 in een Vlaardingse krant over hoe Ina en ik elkaar op Kythira in Livadi in 1966 hadden leren kennen. 12 januari 2016: Dag fam. Bingen, Vandaag kreeg […]