Meet the Kytherians by Chris Paul Stapels

    Meet the Kytherians in the 1960’s   A beautiful serie of photos by photographer Chris Paul Stapels from the Netherlands, photographer and filmmaker. He visited Kythira in the summers of 1965, 1966 and 1967 and came to the island on request of organization Triangel. He provided this organization with publicity material to support […]

Summer Camp girls and archeologist Huxley 1965

  Second half of the text is in English **In december 2022 professor Huxley passed away, RIP. And it was mentioned in the local news of Kythira.       Fatsadika, juli 2019. Met deelnemer Paul-Jan Lambooy en zijn vrouw Gerda krijgen mijn vrouw Ina en ik e-mailcontact in mei 2006. Zij zijn net […]

1965 Summer Camp Paleopolis and Swiss Secuno Mylopotamos with CP Stapels

    1965 Summer Camp Paleopolis for the Irrigation project in Paleopolis and the Swiss Secuno Mylopotamos for the Home Economic School   Team WCC Kythera 1965 en zomerkampen Paleopolis 1965 en het 3 maanden doorlopende Zwitserse SECONU in Mylopotamos. Overgenomen uit de in het Engels geschreven maandelijkse werkrapporten van het Team   Oct/Dec ‘64 […]

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