a made up Kytherian newspaper of 11 May 1966
This was a donation from ecumenical youth of the Dutch town Vlaardingen.
On March 16 in 1966 was mentioned that a large-scale attempt by means of a “Leerplan” will be started to inform schoolchildren about the “Kythera” project “Leerplan” was an instructive educational program for the elementary school ‘Mr. Bilderdijk’ in Vlaardingen. Even the youngest at the elementary school should be aware how it is not to have tap water available at home. Therefore, teachers wrote an instructive educational program for the various grades/classes to make them aware of the circumstances at their town Vlaardingen and the totally different situation at Kythira.
(*note: Displayed at the exhibition 2014 Chora/Kythira were 3 examples)
Grade 1: discussion about water, taps, pipes, showering, cooking, watering plants, drinking, rain, etc., then the difficulties in countries where no tap water is available, the work Mr. Koksma is doing, ideas to earn money for the water project like table cloth covering at home, polishing shoes, own pocket money, sell trading stamps, do shopping, make up own bed. Short verses about Niko who is planting trees and his father who is digging trenches in the hard ground for the new water pipes.
In grade 1 they earned 83 Dutch Guilders in this way. Their school in total 555 Dutch Guilders.
Grade 3: reading matters about the niceties if it rains and how far it can be to putt water and how nice it will be to have a water supply system at home, about planting of trees once there is water available
Grade 5: general particulars at Kythira, olive trees, wild goats, donkeys, thorny bushes in hilly terrain. Reading matter and a narrative about famous singer Arioon who was thrown overboard but rescued by a dolphin. Discussion of our own water supply in The Netherlands.
**Click here for the introduction of paved roads: Improvement of the island communication…
Diary WCC Team
1966 Jan/Feb
Mrs. and Mr. Koksma being by own car on vacation in Holland held lectures in various Dutch towns to procure funds for various project at Kythira. The lecture in Vlaardingen was mentioned to be very remarkable because of the perfect collaboration between all churches in that town. In Germany no financial support could be found for the Mylopotamos school. In Geneva several WCC-officials were met. From Athens they returned February 19 to Kythira with 3 students from the Technical College of Arnhem, being Jan Stappers, Anton Opdam and Alex Pannekoek.
1966 March
Applications and estimates for the Mylopotamos school were made to be sent to the Dutch Government to procure funds for the construction.
1966 April
The village of Livadi is promised help from the Dutch town Vlaardingen to provide the village with a water supply system. The plastic pipes would come to cost price from the same Dutch factory Wavin that donated pipes for Karavas, Potamos and Logothetianika in 1962. On a hill above Livadi the excavation for the water tank was started by the Team’s bulldozer.
1966 May
A survey at Mylopotamos was done by the students for a water supply line from a well above the village to the centre of the village. At Livadi preparations are made to lodge the 2 summer camps from Vlaardingen that will come on June 16 and July 7.
1966 June
At Kato Livadi Mrs.Lambrini Karavousanou, in a small taverna at the square, took care of the meals for the summer campers. The first summer camp started excavating deep trenches for the pipes and constructing the reinforced concrete water tank bottom. The plastic pipes, transported by the kaïki Agios Nikolaos from Piraeus, arrived at Kapsali Friday night June 23. With a detour over Kalamos (Chora’s streets not wide enough!), the pipes arrived at Livadi. At Mylopotamos lodging for girls in the xenona (gastenverblijf) and for the boys an old house, was found.
1966 July
Concrete bottom of water tank at Livadi is finished. A start was made with laying the plastic pipes. The second summer camp continued the excavation of the deep trenches in the fields and along the roads. At Kato Livadi also local people dug quite a length of trenches for the water supply pipes. The 3 technical students left end of July.
**Click here for more photos of Livadi