Het Mylopotamos zomerkamp van juli 1966 Augustus 2022 kreeg ik via de website e-mail contact met Arjen Fuykschot en zijn vrouw Marjon. Arjen was samen met zijn toenmalige vriend Garmt Visser deelnemer geweest aan het eerste zomerkamp Mylopotamos in 1966. Dit was groot nieuws voor mij. Over dit eerste zomerkamp 1966 in juli […]
Brief Koksma’s aan de zomerkampers in Paleopolis in 1965
Onderstaande brief van de Koksma’s in Word gezet (Jean Bingen, januari 2021). Brief van Annie en Jurjen Koksma aan de aanstaande zomerkampers in Paleopolis juli/augustus 1965 Kythera 1 juni 1965 Beste kampers, Net vandaag ben ik in staat om jullie iets te schrijven omtrent ons werkkamp in het wonderschone Kythera. Nou, schoon, […]
1968 Technical activities of the Team
1968 Technical activities of the Team 1968 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. 1968 Jan For health reasons Mrs. Breunisse with the two children had to go back to Holland causing that civil engineer Wessel Breunisse also left the Team. No more technical students will come from Holland. […]
1967 Technical activities of the Team
1967 Technical activities of the Team 1967 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. 1967 Jan Government allows now for tree planting in January and February. Last year a lot of digging was done, now planting went fast. This season 100.000 tree lets were planted. About last year water […]
1966 Technical activities of the Team
1966 Technical activities of the Team (with photos from locals made by Summer Camper Piet Rijken, for more click here) 1966 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. 1966 Jan / Feb Mr. Prineas, civil engineer in Athens, is going to approve the reinforced concrete calculations for the old […]
1964 Technical activities of the Team
1964 Technical activities of the Team. 1964 Up to and including June unfortunately no work reports are available. *interesting read, letters from Koksma in 1964, Agia Pelagia Two technical students, Gerard Helmink and Wim Rijnberk, from Arnhem Technical High School came to strengthen the Team in the beginning of February. As in […]
1963 Technical activities of the Team
1963 Technical activities of the Team From 10 June 1962, 1963, up to July 1964 is the period for which no work reports are retrieved. 1963: Four technical students from Arnhem Technical High School, Jan Hakfoort, Jan Willems, Cees van Dingstee and Wim Leenders, came to Kythira this year. Two students civil […]
1962 Main topics and work of the Team until June
1962 By-weekly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. The 3rd year brings the Team the first feats that everybody hears about: the very first landing stage at Kapsali for the ferry from Piraeus on its trip along the Peloponnese to Kythira and the installation of plastic pipes in Logothetianika, […]
Improvement of the island communication with the mainland
WCC Team-Kythera, 1960 – 1971. The World Council of Churches, on a request of Bishop Meletios in 1958, sent a team to Kythera to help the Bishop to improve living conditions in his diocese. In The Netherlands the WCC found the Dutch couple George and Anna Koksma available to go and live for […]
Team introduction 1960 -1971
Team Kythera, their activities over the years 1960 thru 1971 Introduction In the past years I have collected and studied the work reports that were regularly written by the Team members about what they had been doing in the past period. These reports were sent to all those who were interested […]