1965 Technical activities of the Team





1965 abandoned village, Pitsinades, photo Chris-Paul Stapels



1965 Technical activities of the Team


1965   Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc.


1965 January

New year’s celebrations. Arrival of young architect Walter Kupferschmid from Switzerland, as a regular team member for two years, on 14 January. He found himself a home in Potamos. This house however is not yet connected to the electric power system. Arrival of 17-year-old Marinus Rutgers on 11 January. He will stay for 6 months and help in the experimental garden. In Potamos 1600 trees were planted. The reforestation is showing some results at last! Vironas Dapontes planted 25.000, forester Zerlendes also 25.000 and 10.000 trees were planted by local people. One-axle tractor being demonstrated. For Eddy Stevens, no suitable electric work experience to be found at Kythera. Preparations were made for the 3rd Dr. Kasapis kiosk on the road from Chora to Kapsali. A Self-Help project furnishes material for stables for cattle.



1965 local woman with donkey, photo Chris-Paul Stapels


1965 February

Arrival on 3 February of two HTS students from Arnhem, Holland, who will stay and strengthen the Team for 6 months, Bob Scholten and Hans de Kinkelder. Planting of trees near Paleopolis. Mr. Leffelaar from IKOR, inter church radio and television from Holland, arrived 12 February to make a filmed documentary of the Team’s work. Clover trees being taken from the Karvounades nursery to be handed out at Potamos market. Tremendous increase of seed over the years for cattle fodder. Topographical surveys for an airstrip and an irrigation project at Paleopolis. Walter Kupferschmid went to Athens with drafted revisions for the old people’s home (and afterwards he went for 3 weeks to Thessaloniki to finish his previous project on the Friedtjof Nansen Home). Team’s bulldozer makes a road to the spot at Logothetianika were they hopefully will drill an artesian well.


>> Daily workreport and island photos by summer camper Bob Scholten


1965 local man on a donkey, photo Chris-Paul Stapels


1965 March

No report?

Mr. and Mrs. Koksma visited the island of Symi. Here a desalting unit was to be constructed. The Dutch prime minister at that time became an honorary citizen of Symi on account of the Dutch government’s involvement.


>> Photos of Independence Day 25th of March and High School Sports Demonstration 1962 and 1965

>> Photos of Independence Day 1964

>> 1965 April, a special report on “Five Years Community Development”


1965, local man leaning against pole, photo Chris-Paul Stapels


1965 April, May

Dolls and candles were ordered in Athens to be sent and sold in Holland to raise money for the rural school in Mylopotamos. Also, many important people concerning projects at Kythera were met in Athens. In Mylopotamos the construction of the school was continued with local labour; results: 80 m3 excavations, 70 m3 poured concrete. Preparations were made for a Swiss summer camp (from 7 June and on) to continue the work. At Easter, the Team went to meet the Swiss Lefkada Team. Roof survey Panagia Myrtidiotissa for a renovation project. Concrete strength design for widening existing rural bridge in valley from Chora towards Strapodi. Planning of a cheese cooperative in Logothetianika. Mowing of grass with the one-axle tractor, one strema in one hour! In April, effectual measures were taken for a new tree nursery at Agios Theodoros with a yearly capacity of 200.000 treelets. Preparations started for a summer camp at Paleopolis.


1965 local mother and daughter on a donkey, photo Chris-Paul Stapels


1965 May

1st Issue of Georgika Nea

In Greek, articles from Georgios Kalligeros (agriculturalist), Ioannis Zerlendes (forester), George Koksma, Th. Thomopoulo (about trading), Anna Koksma.



1965 Chora, mr Galoutchi, photo Chris-Paul Stapels


1965 June

Letter in Dutch-to-Dutch summer work campers Paleopolis irrigation project. Paul Kupferschmid + 2 helpers from SECONU Switzerland. Dutch visitors Mr. & Mrs. Van Hinlopen and Mr. Newell Stewart for one day. Experiments in gardening. Arrival 10 June of first Mylopotamos campers. Stable building program. Team member Marinus Rutgers leaves Kythira after 5 months stay. Survey started for Mr. Vironas Dapontes for bungalow project at Vroulea. The work on the Mylopotamos school project and arrival of summer campers from various countries. Arrival of well drilling equipment. New newspaper and articles by various officials. Agios Theodoros irrigation work. Two new stables. A switch from agriculture to animal husbandry and planting trees. Permission for reforestation in centre of island. About the carob tree (sugar) project. Visitors: Newell Stewart, Johnny Charomodanis, Gregorios Casimaty from Tasmania. Kapsali hotel project. Preparations Paleopolis summer camp. Latest developments of old people’s home.


1965, woman spinning thread, photo Chris-Paul Stapels


1965 July

2 Summer camps: Mylopotamos school and irrigation project Paleopolis. SECONU achieved pouring 4 concrete columns, 155 prefab floor slabs and a large amount of hollow cement bricks. In the well dug at Paleopolis still no water was found by the end of July. Continuing experiments on potatoes and onions, but problems with mice and grasshoppers and spraying for plant louse. Positive meetings with reforestation official. The establishment of a cheese making cooperative in Fratsia and a private one in Logothetianika. A donation is promised for the stable program. Hans Peter Jann will manage Mr. Prineas (Sidney) property in Paleopolis. The school extension in Kalamos. Deep well drilling in Logothetianika is successful but not yet sufficient.  An English geologist searched for a location to drill for water in Livadi. Mr. Piet Boef from the Lefka-Team visited the Kythera-Team. Contacts with the excavation team of Prof. Huxley.



1965, woman with sheep, photo Chris-Paul Stapels


1965 Aug / Sept / Oct

Swiss Seconu summer work camp at Mylopotamos school from June to mid-August, camp leader and cook was Paul Kupferschmid. Both technical students from the Technical College Arnhem left the Team after the 1st week of August. Architect Walter Kupferschmid went on vacation the end of August but decided not to return to the Team afterwards. Dutch summer work camp irrigation project Paleopolis from mid-July up to August 10. In July civil engineer Jean Bingen, former team member in 1962, came to help as technical leader for the summer camp in Paleopolis and decided to stay another year afterwards. Dutch photographer Chris-Paul Stapels visited the Team to make all kind of promotion pictures for the Mylopotamos school. Swiss Hans Peter Jann, agriculturist, picked almonds in the experimental garden; the tomatoes had suffered from a parasite; after a vacation, he studied the Prineas development plan at Paleopolis. Promising results for the olive oil production from experimental and demonstration gardens. Visitors: representatives Munich-university; accountant Mr. Wim Schot from Geneva, Mr. Kijlstra, Mr. Baker, Mr. Athanasiadis. 1st Foundation stone laid the 3rd of October for the old people’s home in Potamos by Mr. Gregory Kassimatis from Tasmania. Strength calculations and reinforcement plans were started afterwards. A short history of how and when the plans for this old people’s home project started. After a successful artesian well drilling in Logothetianika the drilling rig moved to Livadi. Kalamos tree nursery suffers from drought and should move completely to Agios Theodoros, a large quantity of seeds was ordered at the directorate of forestation in Athens. Construction of stables is continued. A 1000 kg carob meal was sent from Crete to Piraeus to be transported to Holland for a further investigation but is waiting for the appropriate permits. Plans for the tourist industry were discussed but cancelled at the same time.



1965 archeologist Huxley, excavation at Skandia, photo Chris-Paul Stapels


1965 Nov / Dec

About the Fraternal Workers Retreat in Athens. Carob tree sugar investigation project. Venting ideas about an overall community development plan. Tree nursery at Agios Theodoros, site donated by Bishop Meletios. Plans for and achievements in water economy, harbour works at Platia Ammos and Agia Pelagia. Plans for tourist industry. Cheese making at Fratsia. Young gymnasium student Stanasi Toumbakari. Agricultural reform and the irrigation project at Paleopolis.

1965 Nov

Special report from mr Koksma: the devastating autumn rains at Mitata and Paleopolis.


(click on the text to enlarge)


Letter in English and Dutch by Miss Maria de Groot, about the devastating autumn rains at Mitata and her fund-raising project to repair the damage.

Letter in English and Dutch by George Koksma to Miss Maria de Groot


1965 Dec

Overview Team’s activities during 1965. The Team’s members, George, Anna and Jean, leave by car from Athens for Christmas holiday in Holland


**Interesting read Team’s achievements 1965



1965 Dutch photographer Chris-Paul Stapels


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