Het Mylopotamos zomerkamp van juli 1966 Augustus 2022 kreeg ik via de website e-mail contact met Arjen Fuykschot en zijn vrouw Marjon. Arjen was samen met zijn toenmalige vriend Garmt Visser deelnemer geweest aan het eerste zomerkamp Mylopotamos in 1966. Dit was groot nieuws voor mij. Over dit eerste zomerkamp 1966 in juli […]
Fratsia Fair 1962, 1966 and 1968
Monthly report 31th of May 1962 Kythera Unit I would be the great day that was organized by the Bishop: the day of the greenery. Well, it was a great day somewhat. It started with a ceremony: the Bishop blessing the works at Kapsali. Dr. Naylor, the visitor from Geneva WCC, was very […]
Water supply systems Logothetianika, Potamos and Diakopoulianika
The installation of water supply systems for the first three villages Logothetianika, Potamos and Diakopoulianika in 1962. By Jean Bingen, February 2021. This story is more in detail only about these three villages than the general story “Search for domestic water at Kythera in the sixties”. George (Jurjen) and Anna […]
Search for domestic water
Search for domestic water at Kythera in the sixties and how Karavas, Logothetianika and Potamos as earliest villages got their water supply system. When George and Anna Koksma arrived by car from Holland at Kythera by the end of April 1960, to improve on request of Bishop Meletios living conditions on the […]
Myrtidia 1960, first summer camp
First summer work camp with ecumenical volunteers in Myrtidia August 1960 In May 1960, the Team was informed to prepare and find lodgings for an international summer camp coming August in Myrtidia. A number of 25 young people (male and female) from various countries such as America, Pakistan, Brazil, Australia, England, Germany, Austria, […]
Meet the Kytherians by Chris Paul Stapels
Meet the Kytherians in the 1960’s A beautiful serie of photos by photographer Chris Paul Stapels from the Netherlands, photographer and filmmaker. He visited Kythira in the summers of 1965, 1966 and 1967 and came to the island on request of organization Triangel. He provided this organization with publicity material to support […]
Bishop Meletios & WCC Team: their involvement with the former hospital at Potamos
Bishop Meletios & the WCC Team-Kythera: their involvement with the former hospital at Potamos Meletios Galanopoulos was elected Bishop of Kythira the 18th of April 1956. The 22nd of the same month he was ordained and the 3rd of May, a Holy Thursday, his enthronement took place. He served as a spiritual […]
Jean Bingen zomerkamp 1965 Paleopolis
Jean Bingen Fatsadika, januari 2021 Mijn herinneringen 55 jaar later over dit zomerkamp in zulke primitieve omstandigheden. Ontwikkelingshulp had mijn volle interesse en ik had de Koksma’s laten weten dat ik wel bereid was hen op een of andere wijze te helpen. Dus vroegen zij mij om voor het Team de technische supervisie voor […]
Brief Koksma’s aan de zomerkampers in Paleopolis in 1965
Onderstaande brief van de Koksma’s in Word gezet (Jean Bingen, januari 2021). Brief van Annie en Jurjen Koksma aan de aanstaande zomerkampers in Paleopolis juli/augustus 1965 Kythera 1 juni 1965 Beste kampers, Net vandaag ben ik in staat om jullie iets te schrijven omtrent ons werkkamp in het wonderschone Kythera. Nou, schoon, […]
Mylopotamos 1964, first summer camp Mily de Jong
Mily de Jong wrote: Our first morning on Kythira. After the opening of the summer camp’, the locals invited us warmly to a meal. With a typical Kytherian wine. After a while I got used to it. In between all the photos you will find some texts […]