The installation of water supply systems for the first three villages Logothetianika, Potamos and Diakopoulianika in 1962. By Jean Bingen, February 2021. This story is more in detail only about these three villages than the general story “Search for domestic water at Kythera in the sixties”. George (Jurjen) and Anna […]
Search for domestic water
Search for domestic water at Kythera in the sixties and how Karavas, Logothetianika and Potamos as earliest villages got their water supply system. When George and Anna Koksma arrived by car from Holland at Kythera by the end of April 1960, to improve on request of Bishop Meletios living conditions on the […]
1962 Main topics and work of the Team until June
1962 By-weekly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. The 3rd year brings the Team the first feats that everybody hears about: the very first landing stage at Kapsali for the ferry from Piraeus on its trip along the Peloponnese to Kythira and the installation of plastic pipes in Logothetianika, […]
From Karavas to Kapsali 1962
1962 here a series of amazing photos from Karavas to Kapsali >> For more photos and stories of 1962 click here *click on the photo to enlarge […]