1970 Technical activities of the Team 1970 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. 1970 (Jan, Feb, March) April 1st About meeting Queen Juliana from Holland, who was very interested in the work of the Team at Kythera. Many other important meetings: in Holland Mrs. Dr. Went […]
1967 Technical activities of the Team
1967 Technical activities of the Team 1967 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. 1967 Jan Government allows now for tree planting in January and February. Last year a lot of digging was done, now planting went fast. This season 100.000 tree lets were planted. About last year water […]
1964 Technical activities of the Team
1964 Technical activities of the Team. 1964 Up to and including June unfortunately no work reports are available. *interesting read, letters from Koksma in 1964, Agia Pelagia Two technical students, Gerard Helmink and Wim Rijnberk, from Arnhem Technical High School came to strengthen the Team in the beginning of February. As in […]
Improvement of the island communication with the mainland
WCC Team-Kythera, 1960 – 1971. The World Council of Churches, on a request of Bishop Meletios in 1958, sent a team to Kythera to help the Bishop to improve living conditions in his diocese. In The Netherlands the WCC found the Dutch couple George and Anna Koksma available to go and live for […]
More work reports and photos 1970
Team Kythera in de laatste jaren 1970 Hoe de Mylopotamos school werd afgebouwd. Overgenomen uit de in het Engels geschreven 3-maandelijkse werkrapporten van het Team. *Click on the text to enlarge Road work Agia Pelagia towards Karavas *Click on a photo to enlarge 1970 July 1st (April, May, […]
About Mr and Mrs Koksma
Some particulars about George and Anna Koksma who lived at Agia Anastasia, Kythera. I was 52 and my wife some years younger when the World Council of Churches invited us to “go and remake” the island of Kythera (in 1960). We had placed ourselves at the disposal of the WCC a year […]
How to start a community development?
The ideas of the Koksma’s about community development, what they experienced in Northern Greece, arrival at Kythera, their very first meeting with Kytherians in Chora and thus meeting another culture. Mr. Johnson was a wonderful man. Broadminded and kind, matter of fact when need be, and tactful. “Go and re-make the island” he […]
The involvement of the Dutch Team in reforestation of Kythira in the sixties. In George Koksma’s “Development Manifesto”, written on request of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva in 1974, a financial overview of the Team’s projects at Kythera from 1960 thru 1971 was added. For the reforestation project from 1960 […]
Livadi 1966 eerste zomerkamp verslag Henk Vos (IN DUTCH)
*you can find amazing photos of Livadi and Kapsali below the Dutch text Aanvulling van Jean Bingen: In november 2014 krijgen Ina en ik contact met Bas de Groot, deelnemer aan het 1e zomerkamp van Livadi in 1966. Bas brengt ons in contact met René Vervoort die samen met fotograaf Henk Vos naar […]
Island photos 1966
Manitochori, Chora, Kapsali, Agia Pelagia, Amutses, Avlemonas