1964 school Mylopotamos, 1st camp 30 June to 26 July. This summer camp was organized by WCC Office Utrecht, Holland. **Read here more about the technical activities of the Team in 1964. It is the start for the construction of the home economic school for girls. Participants were lodged in Myrtidia Mily de […]
Mylopotamos 1964, first summer camp Mily de Jong
Mily de Jong wrote: Our first morning on Kythira. After the opening of the summer camp’, the locals invited us warmly to a meal. With a typical Kytherian wine. After a while I got used to it. In between all the photos you will find some texts […]
The involvement of the Dutch Team in reforestation of Kythira in the sixties. In George Koksma’s “Development Manifesto”, written on request of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva in 1974, a financial overview of the Team’s projects at Kythera from 1960 thru 1971 was added. For the reforestation project from 1960 […]
Mylopotamos 1964 first and second summer camp by Gerard Helmink
Mylopotamos 1st and 2nd summer camp by Team member Gerard Helmink Click here for some photos made by Mr. Fatseas. All found in the archive of Gerard Helmink In 1964 summer campers were working on the Home Economic School for girls Both summer camps were organized by WCC Office Utrecht in the […]
Myrtidia tree nursery
Photos 1964
Mylopotamos school en het Kythera Team in 1964 (IN DUTCH)
Begin februari 1964 komt de derde groep HTS-stagiaires aan op Kythira. Zij zijn Gerard Helmink en Wim Rijnberk en zullen tot midden augustus op het eiland blijven. Het Team bestaat dan uit George (Jurjen) en Anna Koksma en ook de bouwkundige Dave Vijsma die aan zijn 2e jaar in het Team bezig is. […]
Mylopotamos Home Economic School
WCC Team-Kythera and the Mylopotamos home economic school Mylopotamos square, 12 August 1964, speech held in front of Dutch summer campers. “Dear friends, it is a privilege to welcome you all at this table and we are thankful that you accepted our invitation. As we made clear to you, we live and […]
Mylopotamos, Huishoudschool voor meisjes (IN DUTCH)
Een kort verhaal waarom deze school gebouwd moest worden, door J.M. Koksma Voor de gewone boer hier is er dus niets, schreef ik. Maar dat is niet geheel waar. Als men tenminste de boerenvrouwen ook wil rekenen tot de werkende boerenstand. En dat kan gerust, want de meeste vrouwen werken harder op […]
Mylopotamos 1964 eerste zomerkamp door Ina Siepman (IN DUTCH)
(photos in the text are with English subtitles)
Island photos made by Mr. Fatseas
Hereby some photos from Kytherian Mr. Fatseas. All found in the archive of Gerard Helmink, participant of the summer camp in Mylopotamos in 1964.