The Jeep Willys It soon becomes apparent that another more robust means of transport is desirable to reach the far corners of the island. They can borrow a jeep from Ioannina’s team, but then they must pick it up themselves. George and Anna fly from Athens to Ioannina on October 10 in […]
The Air Compressor
Team’s air compressor This air compressor was also donated to the Kythera WCC Team by the German Aid Organisation “Brot für die Welt” and arrived at Kythira in 1961. Fortunately this machine stood on wheels and could be tractor-pulled to all remote places on the island. Pvc pipes had been donated […]
The Bulldozer
The bulldozer, make Allis Chalmers, was donated to the Kythera WCC Team by the German Aid Organisation “Brot für die Welt” and arrived at Kapsali in 1961 (March 9). Its steel tracks would damage the asphalted roads, in those years being from Kapsali to Potamos and from Karvounades to Mylopotamos. Therefor it had […]
Mylopotamos zomerkamp juli 1966, Arjen Fuykschot
Het Mylopotamos zomerkamp van juli 1966 Augustus 2022 kreeg ik via de website e-mail contact met Arjen Fuykschot en zijn vrouw Marjon. Arjen was samen met zijn toenmalige vriend Garmt Visser deelnemer geweest aan het eerste zomerkamp Mylopotamos in 1966. Dit was groot nieuws voor mij. Over dit eerste zomerkamp 1966 in juli […]
Fratsia Fair 1962, 1966 and 1968
Monthly report 31th of May 1962 Kythera Unit I would be the great day that was organized by the Bishop: the day of the greenery. Well, it was a great day somewhat. It started with a ceremony: the Bishop blessing the works at Kapsali. Dr. Naylor, the visitor from Geneva WCC, was very […]
The slow but lethal pine disease at Kythera
The slow but lethal pine disease at Kythera When travelling over Kythera one sees numerous pines with a cotton like “growth” on trunk and branches. If you google “pine diseases” on Internet you find a clarifying explanation from the Parnitha forestry management dated 2006: the insect Marchalina hellenica is mainly responsible for […]
Impressie Kythira door Riet Berghuijs – Simons
Impressie Kythira door Riet Berghuijs – Simons. Toen Jean Bingen mij eens vroeg, tijdens een etentje bij ons thuis in februari 2020, om een verhaal over Kythira te schrijven, was mijn eerste gedachte, dat ga ik niet doen. Ik plaag Jean altijd met het achterhalen, uitzoeken, verwerken en opslaan van alles wat te maken […]
Zomerkamper Frank Berghuijs toen en nu
Frank Berghuijs en Kythira. Waarom is Kythira speciaal voor mij? Mei 2021. Toen ik eind januari 1967 in Athene arriveerde na een treinreis van een tweeëneenhalve dag en nacht waren daar de geur, kleur en klanken voor mij spannend, heel oosters. Een voor mij onbekende wereld van geschreeuw, oosterse muziek en chaos […]
Water supply systems Logothetianika, Potamos and Diakopoulianika
The installation of water supply systems for the first three villages Logothetianika, Potamos and Diakopoulianika in 1962. By Jean Bingen, February 2021. This story is more in detail only about these three villages than the general story “Search for domestic water at Kythera in the sixties”. George (Jurjen) and Anna […]
Search for domestic water
Search for domestic water at Kythera in the sixties and how Karavas, Logothetianika and Potamos as earliest villages got their water supply system. When George and Anna Koksma arrived by car from Holland at Kythera by the end of April 1960, to improve on request of Bishop Meletios living conditions on the […]