Team Kythera in 1967-1971 and their contacts with the Military Junta 1967-1974 At the time the coupe was committed George and Anna had just gone to Switzerland for a retrait and afterwards went on to Holland for a vacation and would not return before the end of May. As it was near Easter […]
Zomerkamper Frank Berghuijs toen en nu
Frank Berghuijs en Kythira. Waarom is Kythira speciaal voor mij? Mei 2021. Toen ik eind januari 1967 in Athene arriveerde na een treinreis van een tweeëneenhalve dag en nacht waren daar de geur, kleur en klanken voor mij spannend, heel oosters. Een voor mij onbekende wereld van geschreeuw, oosterse muziek en chaos […]
Meet the Kytherians by Chris Paul Stapels
Meet the Kytherians in the 1960’s A beautiful serie of photos by photographer Chris Paul Stapels from the Netherlands, photographer and filmmaker. He visited Kythira in the summers of 1965, 1966 and 1967 and came to the island on request of organization Triangel. He provided this organization with publicity material to support […]
1967 Summer Camp Participants
1967 cheese factory Fratsia from 07-07 to 26-07 This camp originated from the town ‘s Hertogenbosch, by a division of the “Kythera Vriendenkring Nederland”. Excavation and pouring concrete cellar floor. Lia van de Kerkhof Vught (did visit Kythira in 2011, E: April 2016, provided pictures) Saskia Jordans Vught (did visit Kythira in […]
1967 Technical activities of the Team
1967 Technical activities of the Team 1967 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. 1967 Jan Government allows now for tree planting in January and February. Last year a lot of digging was done, now planting went fast. This season 100.000 tree lets were planted. About last year water […]
The involvement of the Dutch Team in reforestation of Kythira in the sixties. In George Koksma’s “Development Manifesto”, written on request of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva in 1974, a financial overview of the Team’s projects at Kythera from 1960 thru 1971 was added. For the reforestation project from 1960 […]
Livadi and Mylopotamos 1967 first summer camp Frank Berghuijs
Frank Berghuijs HTS student in 1967 working on the water supply in 1967. In 1968 he came back for a holiday and to work as a technical leader in the summer camp. He met a Dutch girl Riet Simons. and they got married. Every year they come to Kythira. […]
Zomerkampers 1967 Coby, Lenie, Lia en Daan (IN DUTCH) Mylopotamos
**Sroll through the text for amazing photos a lot in Mylopotamos and some are taken elsewhere. Click on a photo to enlarge 1967 Mylopotamos 1e zomerkamp, contacten met Coby Jasperse en Lenie Huisman. Coby Jasperse en Lenie Huisman reageerden op onze (Jean en Ina Bingen) oproep in het Algemeen Dagblad in april […]
Fratsia 1967 first Summer Camp
This summer camp originated from the town ‘s Hertogenbosch, by a division of the “Kythera Vriendenkring Nederland”. Excavation and pouring concrete cellar floor. Click here for the story behind the Cheese Factory and more photos from locals and summer camp participants.
Ir. Ida Blok en Kythira, in dichtvorm! (IN DUTCH) 1967
In begin 1967 krijgt het Team eindelijk versterking van een Nederlandse landbouwkundige, zij is Ir Ida Blok, afgestudeerd in Wageningen. Zij zal zich de volle twee jaar blijven inzetten voor een verbetering van de manier van werken en de teelt van de gewassen. (gedichten schrijven kon ze als geen ander, onderaan de tekst vind […]