Het Mylopotamos zomerkamp van juli 1966 Augustus 2022 kreeg ik via de website e-mail contact met Arjen Fuykschot en zijn vrouw Marjon. Arjen was samen met zijn toenmalige vriend Garmt Visser deelnemer geweest aan het eerste zomerkamp Mylopotamos in 1966. Dit was groot nieuws voor mij. Over dit eerste zomerkamp 1966 in juli […]
Fratsia Fair 1962, 1966 and 1968
Monthly report 31th of May 1962 Kythera Unit I would be the great day that was organized by the Bishop: the day of the greenery. Well, it was a great day somewhat. It started with a ceremony: the Bishop blessing the works at Kapsali. Dr. Naylor, the visitor from Geneva WCC, was very […]
Meet the Kytherians by Chris Paul Stapels
Meet the Kytherians in the 1960’s A beautiful serie of photos by photographer Chris Paul Stapels from the Netherlands, photographer and filmmaker. He visited Kythira in the summers of 1965, 1966 and 1967 and came to the island on request of organization Triangel. He provided this organization with publicity material to support […]
1966 Technical activities of the Team
1966 Technical activities of the Team (with photos from locals made by Summer Camper Piet Rijken, for more click here) 1966 Monthly reports: A summary of main topics, events, visitors, etc. 1966 Jan / Feb Mr. Prineas, civil engineer in Athens, is going to approve the reinforced concrete calculations for the old […]
Livadi 1966 second summer camp, Sjaak Keijzer, Ria Hoogwerf, Ben Mietes
Photos from the second water supply summer camp in Livadi 1966 by Sjaak Keijzer. It was not only digging also some fune parts like a donkey ride and an excursion to Platia Ammos. A glimpse of Kythira in the 60’s. *at the end of this list you will find photos from Ria Hoogwerf and […]
Dream island Kythera
This article has been published in the Dutch Vlaardingsche Courant in 1966. Translated by Jean Bingen. Vlaardingen 1966 Dream island Kythera impoverished by departure of inhabitants Not much is left of the appearance of Kythera at the time they thought Aphrodite set foot ashore. People depart. (…) Poverty and […]
Dutch town Vlaardingen donates water supply
We were also sent a booklet with newspaper clippings about the progress of all fundraising campaigns in the Dutch city of Vlaardingen. Jean has translated the essentials from this into English: (Below a beautiful serie of photos from locals and summer campers, made by Piet Rijken) VLAARDINGEN DONATES THREE LITTLE VILLAGES […]
Livadi 1966 eerste zomerkamp verslag Henk Vos (IN DUTCH)
*you can find amazing photos of Livadi and Kapsali below the Dutch text Aanvulling van Jean Bingen: In november 2014 krijgen Ina en ik contact met Bas de Groot, deelnemer aan het 1e zomerkamp van Livadi in 1966. Bas brengt ons in contact met René Vervoort die samen met fotograaf Henk Vos naar […]
High School Sports Demonstration Indepence Day 1962 1965
View on Chora, cars parked and people awaiting gymnastic sports demonstration by High School, Oct. 1965 (or was this March 1966?) People watching gymnastic sports demonstration by High School […]
Livadi water supply and road construction
THE LIVADI WATERSUPPLY 1966 a made up Kytherian newspaper of 11 May 1966 This was a donation from ecumenical youth of the Dutch town Vlaardingen. On March 16 in 1966 was mentioned that a large-scale attempt by means of a “Leerplan” will be started to inform schoolchildren about the “Kythera” project […]