The Bulldozer

    The bulldozer, make Allis Chalmers, was donated to the Kythera WCC Team by the German Aid Organisation “Brot für die Welt” and arrived at Kapsali in 1961 (March 9). Its steel tracks would damage the asphalted roads, in those years being from Kapsali to Potamos and from Karvounades to Mylopotamos. Therefor it had […]

1964 Technical activities of the Team

  1964 Technical activities of the Team.   1964 Up to and including June unfortunately no work reports are available. *interesting read, letters from Koksma in 1964, Agia Pelagia   Two technical students, Gerard Helmink and Wim Rijnberk, from Arnhem Technical High School came to strengthen the Team in the beginning of February. As in […]

Improvement of the island communication with the mainland

    WCC Team-Kythera, 1960 – 1971. The World Council of Churches, on a request of Bishop Meletios in 1958, sent a team to Kythera to help the Bishop to improve living conditions in his diocese. In The Netherlands the WCC found the Dutch couple George and Anna Koksma available to go and live for […]

The Team

The Team introduction Dutch George and Anna Koksma form ‘The WCC Team Kythira’. Of course they needed help and money for all the projects. Over the years many foreign assistants strengthened the Team. WCC offices in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Greece sent assistants of various profession (among others architects, agricultural and civil engineers) for several […]

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