The projects until today

      Which projects were important or had a durable impact?    From 1960 to 1969 Reforestation of large parts of the island and along several roads. Larger civil works that could be mentioned during the years: Extensions Potamos hospital, over 20 stables, many houses, rural road buildings etc.   1960 Roofing structure market […]

The program

    In spring 1960 a more definite program for  The WCC Team’s activities was developed by George Koksma and bishop Meletios. The spearheads for the program being reforestation, road and harbour construction, animal husbandry, agricultural reform and technical assistance. Their combined program as from 1960: 1 Reforestation (stimulation of planting trees all over the […]

The Dutch on Kythira in the 1960’s, why?

  *στα Ελληνικά πατήστε εδώ   The late bishop Meletios Galanopoulos (RIP 1972) issued in 1956 a request for technical assistance” to the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva to improve living conditions in his diocese. Hereupon the WCC office Geneva issued this request to associated WCC offices. The request arrived also in the […]

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