Meet the Kytherians by Chris Paul Stapels

    Meet the Kytherians in the 1960’s   A beautiful serie of photos by photographer Chris Paul Stapels from the Netherlands, photographer and filmmaker. He visited Kythira in the summers of 1965, 1966 and 1967 and came to the island on request of organization Triangel. He provided this organization with publicity material to support […]


    The involvement of the Dutch Team in reforestation of Kythira in the sixties. In George Koksma’s “Development Manifesto”, written on request of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva in 1974, a financial overview of the Team’s projects at Kythera from 1960 thru 1971 was added. For the reforestation project from 1960 […]

Agricultural News – Georgika Nea

  ΓEΩPΓIKA NEA nr. 2 In the Georgika Nea – (Agricultural News – Monthly newsletter no. 2), an article by Georgios Kalligeros, agricultural engineer about visible deceases in trees and articles by George and Anna Koksma. These are the articles penned by George Koksma and a Recipe by his wife Anna. (Translation by Emmanuel Alfieris, […]

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