Forester mr Zerlendes

    The Greek article by governmental forester Ioannis Zerlendes, “We have to plant many eucalyptus trees”. He explains that this tree is not endemic and where it came from and how long it should grow before to be cut for timber. At the end of his article apart of the good use of its […]

Work reports WCC Team 1967

    The activities of the WCC team on Kythira were documented in bi-weekly and monthly reports. In 1967 there were two summer camps in Mylopotamos and the project of the Cheese Factory in Fratsia.   In Ferbruary  two technical students arrived on Kythira, Frank Berghuijs en Harry Wellink, from the Technical College Arnhem, Holland, […]

Fratsia 1968 reisinformatie zomerkamp (IN DUTCH)

    Oecumenische Jeugdraad in Nederland                                         (In Word gezet december 2014, archief Jean Bingen) Maliebaan 88, Utrecht. Tel. 30 – 13492  Gironummer 510930     Aan de deelnemers aan het werkkamp op Kythera, Fratsia (was eerst Platia-Amos) van 6 juli – 13 augustus 1968     Beste mensen,   Hier zijn nog wat gegevens voor […]

Agricultural News – Georgika Nea

  ΓEΩPΓIKA NEA nr. 2 In the Georgika Nea – (Agricultural News – Monthly newsletter no. 2), an article by Georgios Kalligeros, agricultural engineer about visible deceases in trees and articles by George and Anna Koksma. These are the articles penned by George Koksma and a Recipe by his wife Anna. (Translation by Emmanuel Alfieris, […]

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