1967 Summer Camp Participants

  1967 cheese factory Fratsia from 07-07 to 26-07   This camp originated from the town ‘s Hertogenbosch, by a division of the “Kythera Vriendenkring Nederland”. Excavation and pouring concrete cellar floor. Lia van de Kerkhof           Vught    (did visit Kythira in 2011, E: April 2016, provided pictures) Saskia Jordans                   Vught    (did visit Kythira in […]

1965 Summer Camp Participants

    1965 irrigation project Paleopolis, from 15-07 to 10-08. This summer camp was organized by WCC Office Utrecht, Holland. Digging a well in dry riverbed 1500 m upriver from the sea.   Dick de Rooy                      (Nieuw-Loosdrecht) Johan Kruger                     (Bussum) Herbert Nikkels                                (Schalkhaar) Frans Fokkema Andreae               (Rotterdam) Jan-Jaap Wainecke          (Deventer) Maarten Kok                      (Rotterdam) Paul-Jan […]

Plea for help for Mitata 1965

  Plea for help for Mitata after torrential rainfall October 1965 (In Word and translation by Jean Bingen, October 2017)   To Miss Mr. Maria de Groot. Zeist, Holland. (November 1965)   Dear Miss de Groot,   Thank you for your interest. For the attention you have given to the many projects our team is […]

Photojournalist Sem Presser

    From an educational-historical point of view, this is an important article by photojournalist Sem Presser after his visit to the Kythera Team of the World Council of Churches in November 1962. This Team carried out development work on the Greek island of Kythira at the request of the then Bishop. Sem Presser describes in […]

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